Letter: Let pubs sell beer and supermarkets sell food
Letter: The Lib Dems want a "tipple tax" on bars and pubs. This comes at a time when pubs are closing at the rate of 25 a week.

Letter: The Lib Dems want a "tipple tax" on bars and pubs. This comes at a time when pubs are closing at the rate of 25 a week.
They say the money will offset additional policing and health costs drinkers inflict on councils. Pubs and clubs are not to blame – they provide a priceless social network at a local level and do not need more problems heaped on them.
Nearly all the problems caused by alcohol over the last few years have been caused by very cheap alcohol purchased at supermarkets. They should make it the same price as pubs and clubs.I think you would then have fewer drunks and alcoholics.
Supermarkets could sell cheap fruit and veg instead – a far healthier option.
P B Johnston