Shropshire Star

Pavement parking has been driving me mad

Letter: I was interested to read the article 'Parking on pavements sparks fury'. This is an issue that has been driving me mad.


Letter: I was interested to read the article 'Parking on pavements sparks fury'. This is an issue that has been driving me mad especially as:

1. We have a blind person on the estate.

2. It does damage to our pavements.

3. We now have young families on our estate once more and people use it to get to school from Church Aston by crossing the field.

4. I now use a pavement scooter and badly bruised my arm trying to pass a car.

These are my immediate neighbours and I've knocked on doors and asked politely not to do so. It's against the law, I believe.

This happens not only on this estate, but on our new pavements in town, which cost a fortune this year.

There are roads in town that are narrow where this pavement parking does not happen and a vehicle has to wait for a chance to pass, but no-one moans.

BA Flowers, Newport

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