Shropshire Star

Letter: Santa's sadness at loss of Shrewsbury Toy Run

Letter: It was with heavy heart that I read that there will be no Toy Run this year due to police cuts.


Letter: It was with heavy heart that I read that there will be no Toy Run this year due to police cuts.

Having had the honour of being Father Christmas on many past toy runs in Shrewsbury and Telford I recall with strong emotion the feeling of great people who put themselves out each year, come rain or shine or even snow on some occasions, to bring a little bit of magic and happiness to the less fortunate at this special time of the year.

I have gone round the children's ward and seen the faces of sick children light up with surprise and delight with a visit from Santa – even newborn babies were never left out. It was a really magical time.

The whole day was special from meeting with fellow bikers in the square, talking to passers-by, handing out sweets to the children passing through.The sheer enthusiasm of the people shopping around Shrewsbury added to the magic, their applause made the day so worthwhile. Even the police took on a special role and always enjoyed the day.

A special thank you to MCC Rainbringers for all their hard work. It will be a sad time this Christmas.

Thanks to all the lads and lassies who helped to make the runs such a success, without you it would not have happened. It is a sorry state of affairs that a few pounds has brought an end to this fantastic day out for all concerned. What price a bit of happiness?

John Berry (aka Father Christmas Retired!)


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