Letter: At least windfarms will produce jobs
Letter: RE: Wind turbines. Too many people appear to be obsessed with the pros and cons regarding their efficiency etc and most, but not all of them, have overlooked the one overriding factor which goes above all other considerations, that is their benefit to the economy in terms of employment and income.

Letter: RE: Wind turbines. Too many people appear to be obsessed with the pros and cons regarding their efficiency etc and most, but not all of them, have overlooked the one overriding factor which goes above all other considerations, that is their benefit to the economy in terms of employment and income.
These are two of the three factors which determine what will and will not be done. The third factor is the educational benefits.
All aspects of their location, design, sourcing of materials, procurement of these materials, manufacture of components, partial assembly, transportation to site assembly on site, commissioning and maintenance all employ a large number of people and, in turn, generate a large income for the economy.
I do not expect all or any fossil/nuclear fuelled power stations to be switched off. We are still going to need the conventional power stations, no question about that.
According to my encyclopedia, to produce an output equal to a 1.2GW nuclear power station, a wind farm would cover 150 square. miles. A lot of land.
I will let you decide if there are any benefits on the education factor.
The turbines may not produce much – if at times any – electricity but they do certainly produce large amounts of money and jobs.
P A Harman