Letter: Time for UK citizens to vote on leaving EU
I totally agree with the letter by Bob Jenkins (October 27) 'Shackled by the EU'.

I totally agree with the letter by Bob Jenkins (October 27) 'Shackled by the EU'.
I cannot for one see the 'advantages' of being in the EU.
It's a bottomless money pit, bleeding the UK taxpayer dry. It buys more from us in trade terms, than it sells, it governs our laws, and that's just the tip of the iceberg.
Recent reports show looters from 44 different countries were locked up over the riots. How many from EU states?
What happened to the Commonwealth? A total of 54 countries with over a billion people that we turned our backs on in favour of doing 'local trade' with Europe. We don't have to be in the EU to do trade with it.
It's time the people of this country decided whether it's a good thing or bad thing for us to be in it.
Gary B Dipper,