Letter: Dairy farm concerns
The decision by Powys County Council to approve an application for a dairy-cow factory has both surprised and disgusted people.
The decision by Powys County Council to approve an application for a dairy-cow factory has both surprised and disgusted people.
Has the council now opened the floodgates for dozens of applications for super-dairies, which could eventually see dairy cows disappear from fields incarcerated in factory farms and spending much of their time on giant turntables?
With the ban on hen battery cages due in 2012, plus seeing lots more pigs living a natural life in the open, albeit the majority are still in factory farms, then this move, on a 'new' species, is surely turning the clock back.
The planning process does not allow any objections on animal welfare grounds, proving once more that 'food' animals are treated merely as products.
Economics is the all. Welfare is not even a consideration.
The law needs changing on issues such as this.
Planning committee members should hang their heads in shame, while condemning countless animals to a life of misery.
Cows belong in fields.
Mr J Ball, Newtown