Shropshire Star

Letter: Billions sent to the EU while our elderly freeze

As the cold winter weather approaches, the contempt that this Government holds for the elderly of this country becomes apparent.


As the cold winter weather approaches, the contempt that this Government holds for the elderly of this country becomes apparent.

Their winter fuel allowance has been reduced from £400 to £300. A reduction of 25 per cent.

At the same time, our Government is more concerned with abolishing the 50p tax rate that only affects their rich friends in the City, who are already taking home an obscene wage. In addition, they are dispatching billions to the EU and other countries to help them look after their people and their elderly.

When are the leaders of this country going to realise that you look after your own first?

I suppose that nothing ever changes. Under the Tories the rich always get richer whilst the poor get poorer.

Jon Lakin,


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