Shropshire Star

Letter: Approach towards sex industry is pathetic

The online responses to the recent article 'No Sex Please, We're Telford' made entertaining reading. Seriously though, our approach to the sex industry is pathetic.


The online responses to the recent article 'No Sex Please, We're Telford' made entertaining reading. Seriously though, our approach to the sex industry is pathetic.

Brothels operate underground all over the country. In Telford we had allegations of men grooming teenage girls and in London and elsewhere hundreds of vulnerable eastern European women are smuggled in as sex slaves – all of which is conveniently ignored by our authorities and politicians because it's an ugly and toxic field for the ignorant and faint hearted.

If we can let slip our morals to allow Sunday shopping, we can surely legalise prostitution.

There's no stigma attached to it in Germany, where sex workers are protected, checked and taxed and the criminal elements are robustly tackled.

Such a move here would almost certainly reduce sexual offences. It might also reduce the number of single teenage mums.

Perhaps our concerned councillors should also canvas the views of disabled voters about legalising prostitution? Why we cannot debate the issue as openly and zealously as fox hunting is rather puzzling.

Bob Jenkins


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