Letter: Contempt for cardboard recycling petition
I'd like to place on record my thanks to the 19 LibDem and Labour councillors who voted in support of my e-petition which asked Shropshire Council to work harder and faster to reinstate kerbside collections of cardboard.
I'd like to place on record my thanks to the 19 LibDem and Labour councillors who voted in support of my e-petition which asked Shropshire Council to work harder and faster to reinstate kerbside collections of cardboard.
I'd also like to thank the many people who signed the petition and who are continuing to sign it as it remains open until January 31.
When presenting the petition, I found it interesting to witness a complete absence of independent thought on the part of the Conservative members, and worse, to hear their groans when the opposition members wanted to debate the issue.
Other than at election time, a petition is the most tangible form of expression on behalf of the electorate.
It was batted away with contempt, and with no clear explanation of why Shropshire appears to be unable to do what most or maybe even all other local authorities appear to be doing.
Patrick Cosgrove