Letter: Tell the planners we're not all shoppers
Why is it that planners – professional and amateur – appear only to consider people as shoppers?

Why is it that planners – professional and amateur – appear only to consider people as shoppers?
Shrewsbury is a county town offering a range of services and facilities both to the county and beyond. It has also long believed in recycling.
Fifty years ago there were two large hospitals and two local government offices which are now no longer considered for the purpose. One was demolished, the Shirehall, the others were converted into houses and apartments.
Within the loop residents probably do most of their shopping in the town, but they and others come for a number of reasons. They come to worship or to swim, to seek advice or a job. They come to learn or research. To improve their well-being by visiting a hairdressers, a chiropodist or the bookies, not to mention coming for refreshments and to meet family and friends.
Unfortunately the planner's mindset is copied by schools which send pupils into town to do 'a survey'. Replies like 'I walked in, and am going to an art gallery' do not fit well with them.
Shrewsbury should have an adequate survey done, but it would take too long and cost too much.
So in the meantime councils and developers have to make do with options in the letter columns of the local Press.
Joan Fidler