Letter: How would free Wi-Fi help?
Like ML Francis, I was enraged when I read about Councillor Davies and his plans to provide the estate of Brookside with free wifi.

Like ML Francis, I was enraged when I read about Councillor Davies and his plans to provide the estate of Brookside with free wifi.
Perhaps the estate has become run down over the years, but some of that responsibility lies with people who live there, giving the impression that the whole of Brookside is unemployed people, when I'm sure there are many who go to work every day.
I have no idea why he thinks that free internet will help people to find jobs. I know people who pay for the internet and had no luck finding employment. The job centre and the library provide free internet access.
He also says it will help children with homework. Yes, it has its place, but the internet is provided at schools – and what's wrong with using a book?
As a teaching assistant, I see children who struggle to read basic words and don't have the love of books that I grew up with. I'm sure they would improve no end if they spent time at home with their heads in a book, not in front of a computer.
At a time when I have seen many people at the council made redundant, I feel this money could be better spent. Or is he so keen to provide the internet because he's about to make cuts to library hours and make staff redundant?
Tracey Thomas