Letter: Use waste for energy
Getting rid of household rubbish via landfill is a waste of land.

Getting rid of household rubbish via landfill is a waste of land.
Such waste could be used to create fuel to run electric generators. Sewer effluent can be put to good use for creating gas using digesters. It would cost very little to create such systems across the country.
The catalytic converter on cars has practically eliminated dangerous fumes and some countries have installed such systems so they can use burners and digesters.
I believe there are some in use in this country.
Many industrial work had effluent plants to clean up their waste water, before it was put into a canal etc.
These sources of energy would augment other forms of generating electric power.
Wind generators cannot be relied upon to produce electricity at all times when needed.
The cost of installing these generators is costly and they need maintenance.
Ask any farmer about the waste of his resources. They have to rely on making the best of any thing they do not have to pay for (manure). Waste not want not.
P Sherwood