Letter: No sense in overseas job adverts
As our jobless toll soars, UK bosses recruit in Romania. Does this make sense?

As our jobless toll soars, UK bosses recruit in Romania. Does this make sense?
Thousands of jobs are still being advertised overseas despite a 17-year high of 2.68 million unemployed in the UK. More than 2,400 vacancies including work as chefs, taxi drivers, engineers nurses are being advertised by an online recruitment agency in Bucharest.
These include waiters on £12,646 pa, housekeepers on £6.26 an hour, receptionists on £14,500 a year and maintenance workers on £7.28 an hour.
All this despite a Government pledge to curb the amount of people coming here from Bulgaria and Romania.
I simply just don't buy the argument that some, if not most, of the positions can't be filled by local unemployed persons. Young people in our shores must be given a chance and priority to fill the positions.
What will overseas workers bring? Many are pleasant and hard working, but they will settle and bring their families, putting an even greater burden on housing, benefits, schools, NHS etc.
If there are British workers ready, willing and skilled enough to do these jobs, then it's only correct that they should be offered them first.
Brendan Ellis