Letter: Alcohol price plans annoy me
There isn't any doubt that alcohol abuse causes a huge and costly problem for the NHS, but plans to raise the price of alcohol really annoys me.
There isn't any doubt that alcohol abuse causes a huge and costly problem for the NHS, but plans to raise the price of alcohol really annoys me.
It penalises the majority for the irresponsibility of the minority.
Here's what should be done. Stop supermarkets selling discounted alcohol and ban it from corner shops. Slam all those greedy pubs, clubs and breweries who are responsible for selling sweet, sickly, highly alcoholic beverages with heavy penalties in the form of increased tax and licence fees. Identify and tackle hotspots and dodgy alcoholic products.
Here's what should not be done. Penalising sensible people who enjoy a convivial drink in a pub or club which, heaven forbid, might be the hub of a community or even more amazing still, has a respected publican who lays down the law and maintains a dartboard.
The problem with political advisors is that they're all too narrow-minded and quick to choose the easiest, sexiest option, which is usually the worst one.
Bob Jenkins