Letter: Are we all in it together over fuel prices?
The price of oil is at an all-time high and the cost of living inevitably follows it.
The price of oil is at an all-time high and the cost of living inevitably follows it.
The recent increase in VAT rates, a tax which David Cameron described as 'a regressive tax which hits the poorest the hardest' is not helping, nor will the draconian measures in the pipeline to pay off the country's debt – but at least, 'We are all in it together'.
Strange that our three major parties all have different strategies to solve the fuel crisis and pay the country's debts while minimising the cost to us. Even stranger that all three major political parties had no problem at all in minimising the cost to them. High fuel costs – no problem at all.
It's 40p per mile fuel allowance for the first 10,000 miles and 25p per mile after that, only while travelling on parliamentary matters of course.
Guess who decides what a parliamentary matter is? While you are saying 'How much?' down the supermarket our politicians, who have now devolved 80 per cent of their duties to Brussels, have little to do but frequent the five subsidised restaurants and six subsidised bars in the palace of Westminster, subsidised by you.
The term, 'All in it together' is a cynical Parliamentary joke which ought to be abandoned along with others, such as 'honourable member', 'public service' and democracy.
Bob Wydell