Shropshire Star

Letter: What about the OAPs?

Mike Cockett asks if anyone understands the Shadow Chancellor.


Mike Cockett asks if anyone understands the Shadow Chancellor.

When I heard the budget I wept for those on £60,000 per annum who need state handouts to survive and for those who cannot afford a 50p tax rate for a short time.

These people may also be hit by the higher airport tax and company car allowance, offset perhaps by a mortgage rate of 1.5 per cent.

None like the Chancellor will spare a thought for the average pensioner who prudently saved for retirement to find his interest negligible. He may have to forgo his trip to the seaside, those who live alone are struggling to cover basic bills.

For the first time in 50 years I agree with a Labour leader: 'We are no longer all in this together'. There are five million pensioners. I trust they recall this budget when they next vote.

John Mayne


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