Letter: Make road maintenance the priority
More than 90 per cent of residential roads in Telford & Wrekin have received little or no maintenance since they were laid. Because of this many now show their base through the surface but fail to meet the highways criteria for patching.

More than 90 per cent of residential roads in Telford & Wrekin have received little or no maintenance since they were laid. Because of this many now show their base through the surface but fail to meet the highways criteria for patching.
As borough councillors you are being requested to put party political differences aside and to collectively issue a directive to the highways department to fill every hole in every residential road throughout the borough and within 14 days of this operation being completed to resurface the same road with stone chippings, which would seal the repairs that had been made and effectively give that road a virtually maintenance-free life in excess of 10 years.
This directive would also need to contain the instruction that the highways 'scanner' remain 'off road' for the current financial year. Whitehall civil servants have to follow instructions from their minister therefore council employees should do the same with this instruction.
Show the electorate that you represent that they are being considered in these times of austerity, and that local roads and not the principal roads in 2012 are a priority, which is where the scanner is used every year with work being done unnecessarily.
R Knight