Shropshire Star

Letter: Stand firm on same-sex marriage reform

Members of Shrewsbury Unitarian Church support the Government proposals to change marriage laws to enable same-sex couples to enter into civil marriage.


Members of Shrewsbury Unitarian Church support the Government proposals to change marriage laws to enable same-sex couples to enter into civil marriage.

We also urge that any legislation allows same-sex couples access to religious marriage in places of worship.

The General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches has joined Quakers in Britain, and liberal Judaism in urging the prime minister to stand firm on his commitment to change marriage laws.

This is about religious liberty as well as equality for us. The love and respect of same-sex couples and the commitment undertaken is the same as for opposite sex couples, and they should have the same opportunity for religious marriage.

We would like to be able to offer same-sex marriages in our church. We do not expect Parliament to force others, who may disagree with us, to marry same-sex couples if they do not wish.

We support change in marriage law that means same-sex couples can enter into civil and religious marriage and that places of worship are free to conduct same-sex marriages if they wish to.

Joan Hughes, Chairman

Alison Patrick,

Committee member

On behalf of Shrewsbury

Unitarian Church

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