Shropshire Star

Letter: Lack of imagination by those backing republic

The last time that Britain was a republic singing, dancing and music were banned. Present day pro-republicans seem to be burdened with a similarly joyless lack of imagination.


The last time that Britain was a republic singing, dancing and music were banned. Present day pro-republicans seem to be burdened with a similarly joyless lack of imagination.

I'd have to be an experienced psychiatrist to understand why they think it would be better to have a president as our head of state, but the 'what if' scenarios of such a pipedream can be quite entertaining.

The idea of Presidents Blair, Brown and Cameron spur an instant shudder, but imagine President Thatcher with Norman Tebbit as Prime Minister?

I can't imagine that the ultra socialism which is the bedrock of the republican movement would have fancied that.

Bob Jenkins,


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