Shropshire Star

Letter: The non-stop UK crises

There is at least one thing we can rely on our government to manage. . . the mismanagement of non-stop crisis management.


There is at least one thing we can rely on our government to manage. . . the mismanagement of non-stop crisis management.

Such as not knowing G4S was short of security guards.

Like a desperate attempt to get banks lending to small firms, offering even cheaper money, for no more than maintaining their current level of lending, regurgitating just one of the requirements banks have already failed to fulfil for the supply of billions of 'support'.

There has been an inability to find a solution to the long-ignored need to fund care for the vulnerable and the elderly.

And politicians have shown they don't know the price of a pint of milk nor the slightest idea how seriously the dairy industry is threatened.

And thus we wander back to outstanding disasters like the billions lost by Ministry of Defence procurement and even murkier examples of incompetence and waste.

Politicians and bureaucrats are incapable of proper planning and taking account of probable consequences, like specifications for computer system requirements being continually changed, thus increasing costs and ending up with a pig's ear of incompatible components.

They have no experience in the simple basics of effective organisation within limited and fixed resources, never having had to survive in the real world where there's no taxpayers to buy you out of one mess into a deeper one while facing little, if any, chance of being sacked.

How can a Minister hold bureaucrats to account for incompetence, when he or she is incapable of recognising or admitting to their own lack of reality, whether today's or in previous actions hanging heavy around our necks, through no fault of our own.

Malcolm MacIntyre-Read

Much Wenlock

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