Letter: Badger cull must be halted
We support the Shropshire Wildlife Trust and other wildlife experts such as David Attenborough, Chris Packham and Bill Odie, who are opposed to killing wildlife.
Killing badgers will not stop bovine TB. The answer lies in better farming practices, as those farmers, also opposed to the cull will tell us.
On June 1 the Government will start the cull of the protected Badger Species despite all evidence showing this will be a costly and futile exercise in trying to control TB in cattle.
In England thousands of cattle are overdue for their TB test. Simply tightening up on cattle testing will greatly due the incidence of TB.
Only two per cent of badgers have TB, but Shropshire MP, Owen Paterson plans to give the 'go Ahead' to kill all the badgers in an area with, we presume, the ultimate aim of removing the whole badger population in England.
In Shrewsbury, last year, we had a petition signing, asking the Government to ban the cull.
The petition was signed at a rate of one every 45 seconds and postcards opposing the cull were sent to the Chief Vet's office.
The Chief Vet's Office refuses to release the number of postcards received but an insider indicated thousands were received. So much for Open Government in England.
Lorraine Parker
Shropshire against the cull
Much Wenlock