Letter: Miliband should take look at building trade
Regarding Ed Miliband's threat that in the event of a Labour victory next time round any builder who owns land on which he is not building, for whatever reason, will lose it.

It will be interesting how he intends to carry out his threat.
Surely if there is a good market for houses then builders build.
If there is little demand to buy new houses then how are builders supposed to fund building?
They could finish up with a lot of unfinished property and debt for materials much the same as what has happened in Spain.
It is my opinion that before you threaten the building industry, which more often than not suffers because of the decisions and policies of politicians, you take a good look and make sure that what you are proposing is feasible.
Killing the building industry won't help and the present demand for rented property can be laid directly at the door of politicians and their open door policies regarding immigration without putting in place the necessary infrastructure.
Before criticising others Ed, I suggest you take a look at yourself and maybe spend a little time in industry; you may be enlightened.
Adrian Williams, Bratton