Shropshire Star

Letter: Taxes must be paid where morally due

I am concerned that Richard Branson is going to become a tax exile to avoid paying taxes to the UK Government.

Sir Richard Branson

I would like to remind Mr Branson that he made all his money on the backs of the British people supporting his businesses. Before he starts saying we may not have supported his foreign interests, all of his interests were built on the back of profit made in this country by members of the public buying his products and services.

There are far too many people who cannot wait to register abroad for tax purposes and then saying they are doing nothing illegal. However, this is morally wrong because they owe everything they have to this country in one way or another.

If the reported £37 billion of tax not paid, plus the reported tax that is not paid for moral reasons was given to us, this country would not be going through the austere financial circumstances that we are.

As citizens of the United Kingdom we should be proud and willing to pay what we morally should in taxes. These people are no better than the benefit cheats that the newspapers are always telling us about, in fact they're worse because this is money that they do not really need and will never spend in their or their children's lifetime.

Cliff Murray, Sutton Hill

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