Letter: Blame the politicians
Do people really believe that the present economy situation would be any different had the Conservatives been in power (before the 2010 election)?

The Labour Government was not running the economy of America, where the problem started, or that of France, Spain, or Italy to name but a few countries in a similar situation. They were all in it together, to coin a phrase.
A quote from the Bible springs to mind, "Unto him that hath shall be given and from him that hath not shall be taken even that which he has".
Big increases in pay and bonuses for those at the top and stagnation for those at the bottom. George Osborne has borrowed more money since he became Chancellor than the Labour Government did in its time.
The present housing crisis started with the selling of council houses by Thatcher's Government which benefited some but deprived the country of its stock of affordable rented accommodation, as she refused to allow councils to use the money raised to build more houses.
The pernicious "bedroom tax" brings misery to many and even those who would downsize cannot do so because there are not enough affordable places to move to. The sooner it is scrapped the better.
The East Coast Railway failed under private ownership, it was taken back under state control and is now the most efficient and profitable of all lines. It actually pays millions back to the Treasury. What are the Government's plans for its future? To privatise again so that the profits go to the shareholders and not the country.
The trade unions are accused of being the Labour Party's paymasters. Is that any different to big business being the paymasters of the Conservative Party?
TW Hillier