Letter: No justice for victims
If Mark Bridger's appeal against his whole life sentence for the murder of April Jones is allowed, it will cost the taxpayer a further £20,000, making a grand total of £170,000.
One begins to wonder who will be the beneficiaries? Certainly not the victims, either financially or morally. More to the point, however, is why the perpetrator of this dastardly crime should be allowed so much latitude with which to torment the family of his victim.
This surely is symptomatic of a grossly dysfunctional justice system?
No right-minded individual would disagree with the hardest sentence which appears to be whole life incarceration, now execution has become a dirty word.
The whole life sentence is far too compassionate and will do nothing to ease the pain of the Jones family.
Those of us who have experienced violence towards their loved ones know that there are no words to describe the utter despair that has to be fought every minute of every day, year on year.
Given that Bridger will be given the freedom to continue his quest at any price with the taxpayer footing the bill, leaves very many of us wondering why there is such determination to play fair by the culprit, and sheer abandonment for the victims, except by friends and relatives.
Justice has a very hollow ring to it.
Les Chapman, Market Drayton