Letter: Contrasting views in correspondence
I am writing to agree with the letter from S Sanders, Shropshire Star, April 1 "Keep quiet over beliefs".
I am British, we do not talk about religion, if you have convinced views keep them to yourself, I have no wish to know your beliefs. We can all stand at the bus stop together, Christian, pagan, Muslim, Jew and any other belief. I do not care and I do not wish to know.
My main grouse is letters saying how wonderful the Shropshire NHS is. I have sympathy with people in hospital, but the nurses and doctors are doing what they are paid to do. I do not want to hear how wonderful they are, that is their job. Tell me how wonderful the sewerage men are who keep us free form cholera and typhoid, or the bin men who help to keep the rats at bay.
What I yearn to see a letter about, is someone who can compare the NHS with other countries. Who has written to you and said "I had my knee, arm, hip done in America/France/Germany and my other knee, arm, hip, whatever, done in Shropshire, and Shropshire came out best? The service in these other countries was rubbish compared to Shropshire.
Now when you can publish a letter like that it will be worth reading.
It is only when we can have a true comparison that we can tell how wonderful the NHS is.
R Keyworth, Brookside, Telford