Letter: Evolution argument short of purpose, hope and evidence
Tom Williams is quite right to point out that flowers are the reproductive organs of plants and trees.
This emphasises my point that so many flowers depend on insects and birds to pollinate them, in many instances through symbiotic relationships.
His narrative of millions and billions of years does not answer the simple question of how plants were pollinated if they appeared on earth millions of years before insects or how insects fed and obtained their nutrients if they appeared before flowers.
They would have needed to appear on earth within days of each other for either species to survive.
The theory he proposes is a narrative without purpose or hope or even evidence. The billions of years depend on assumptions which change with passing generations.
An increasing number of scientists have come to the conclusion that so many of these assumptions are without basis in science that they have turned to another more solid source of information.
Fossils need rapid burial and pressure more likely provided by a global flood than millions of years. Without rapid burial, plants and animals would decompose and be disposed of by other creatures.
A global flood would result in millions of dead things being found in sedimentary rocks all over the world's surface, which is what we do find.
Tom's world view has no answer to where matter came from, what produce the energy for the Big Bang, or where life came from. Neither does it answer why we die.
DNA is the most complex information system known to man. Information requires intelligence to produce, such a complex system as DNA requires a mind so vast and powerful that we cannot begin to understand, let alone confine such a mind.
I understand that being to be an all wise, all knowing, all powerful God, to whom I give all the praise.
If flowers were not for our enjoyment, why do so many people grow just flowers and find great pleasure in them?
David Burton, Whitchurch