Letter: Bankers holding nation to ransom
After Ukip's gains in the recent elections there has been much soul-searching by the main parties about how to get voters back on side for the 2015 general election.
Whichever party gets elected will make little difference to most of us. This is because they (including Ukip) are controlled and governed by private bankers and big business.
At present most new money that is coming into and stimulating the economy is money which is being created by private banks for mortgage lending. A housing bubble is being created which will eventually burst. When it does, the bankers, the politicians and the wealthy one per cent will not suffer, but the rest of us will.
What a pitiful state we are in when the Government relies so heavily on mortgage lending to get money into the economy. The main parties have brought our nation to the brink of ruin through their subservience to the bankers.
The most important thing that any government could do to prosper its people would be to remove the power to create money from private banks and start creating money itself and then spend it into the economy in the public interest. Until this is done we ain't going anywhere as a nation.
The late Henry Ford,once said: "It is well enough (for the bankers) that people of the nation do not understand our banking and money system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning".
J Clift, Shrewsbury