Letter: Fossil fuels are dead and we must look to green alternative
May I commend the editor on recent editorials such as "Choices are stark on energy" (June 26), "The future is looking dark" (June 17) and "Vexed question of energy needs" (June 6).
There appears to be a growing realisation reflected in the commentary that "our dependence on fossil fuels is slowly coming to an end and decisions must be made on how we fuel our future lives." (June 26).
One can argue that likely price rises due to increasing global demand will make this sooner rather than later.
A mixture of energy sources is common sense with a growing contribution from renewables with every part of the country making its contribution. The obvious difficulty in Shropshire is that some people are very vocal in their opposition whilst many maintain a low profile in the sometimes heated exchange.
It seems that those dominating local coverage are those with negative and often ill-informed opinions – and they appear to have the ear of councillors.
As the editorial states: "The public needs to be well-informed and it needs to have a say."
We must remember that Shropshire is the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution and we cannot opt out of the consequences while enjoying the benefits of the modern world.
It is inadequate in land-locked Shropshire to call for offshore wind and wave power at a high financial cost when on-shore wind is far more cost effective.
It was therefore especially disappointing to read of the Meadowley application for two significant wind turbines being withdrawn despite substantial recognition by the planners of their merits.
The loss of this community energy scheme only reinforces the dominance of our energy supply in the hands of the "Big Six" – only this last week referred to the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA).
It is disappointing that Shropshire Council leader, Keith Barrow, is so vociferous in his opposition to clean wind power at the expense of our local economy.
Robert Saunders, Apley