Shropshire Star

Letter: Footbridge across the river just another poor decision

I wish to reiterate the comments made by John Barratt in his letter to the Shropshire Star of July 2, regarding the proposed development of Bromfield Meadow, Ludlow.


His term 'The Bridge to Nowhere' in respect of the proposed footbridge across the River Corve is entirely apt.

Residents of the proposed site on one side of the river and those of Fishmore View, on the other, would have no need of a bridge to gain access to main thoroughfares, schools and shops.

On numerous occasions between 2005 and 2010 parkland at Fishmore View was abused by groups of underage drinkers. Residents had to tolerate loud noise and foul language until as late as 2am. As a result police were often called.

Fortunately this type of anti-social behaviour has become very rare recently. However a bridge, such as that proposed, would inevitably provide an obvious location for young people to 'hang around'. The fear is that anti-social behaviour would return.

I understand that residents oppose the bridge and that the developers now no longer wish to build it. If this is the case and if it is accepted that such a bridge would indeed serve no useful purpose for legitimate travellers, one wonders why council officials appear to insist on it being built.

In my opinion, people in the Ludlow area have some justification in feeling poorly served in recent years by Shropshire Council.

A few years ago residents were asked if they wished Shropshire to become a 'unitary authority', thereby abolishing district councils. In this area people voted to retain South Shropshire District Council. However, as we know, that preference was ignored.

More recently, after a campaign to keep refuse and recycling facilities at Coder Road, that too was closed. People must now make a 16-mile round trip to Craven Arms.

It is understood that money must be saved and cuts made and although I disagree with the decisions made regarding the items above, I respect the situation the councillors found themselves in.

However, the 'Bridge to Nowhere' is a different matter. In this case I am unaware of any opinion made in support of its construction and therefore would suggest that the council's decision is simple. In modern parlance it's a 'no brainer'. Scrap the bridge.

Ian Morris, Ludlow

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