Letter: Web porn is a real threat to our young
Regarding: The dangers of internet pornography (Letters Page August 15) I am sure that all readers will agree with the detective inspector who described the case of a 14-year-old raping a 10 year-old as 'deeply disturbing'.
I am sure too that we are all concerned about our generation's unprecedented consumption of internet pornography. Sadly, like this young man, some are compulsive users of this free supply of hardcore material with disastrous effect.
While ever-growing technology enables us to be connected to an ever- widening supply of good things, it also makes the most extreme material imaginable instantly available to even the youngest children.
There is no doubt whatsoever that pornography is taking a real toll on the mental, emotional and physical health of many in our nation today and poses a very real threat.
The powerful pornography industry will tell us that it is harmless and a victimless activity. This case, very sadly shows us that this is totally untrue and two lives as well as their families have been totally ruined.
Young people's views of sex and body image and the formation of healthy relationships are being completely warped.
So what can we do?
We can support the Prime Minister who has announced plans for 'opt-in filters' to be introduced by all ISP's.
We can back the proposal to make an effective age verification a priority and encourage and help parents with setting up internet filters and talking to their children of the dangers of internet pornography.
Roy Whittall, Shrewsbury