Shropshire Star

Letter: Health service for people who need it

Having been involved in the great hospital/health debate for several years, I am still greatly concerned that services will be designed for the health service and not for the people using the services.


Most people will understand that our health service is under stress with increased numbers of people using it, drugs and technology costing more and advancing at a rapid rate.

What the health service will need to do is fundamentally understand the nature of communities, deprived people, the problems of rural transport and access.

Perhaps even more importantly the understanding that all roads do not lead to Telford – they do lead to Shrewsbury.

Ambulances in rural Shropshire and Montgomeryshire have a poor record in response times. These need to be added to the travel times when any decision for the A&E site is made.

Some people could easily take two or more hours to get there. This really could be life threatening and makes a mockery of the golden hour we all see on TV.

My simple message is that health care is about people and medicine. It's not about putting hospital services where the medics want them as opposed to where the patients need them.

Heather Kidd, Member for Chirbury and Worthen, Shropshire Council

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