Shropshire Star

Letter: Mistakes at T-Live

I am writing in response to the letter titled "Errors of T-Live gig" sent by Wayne Parry of Wellington on September 6, and the response by Russell Griffin on behalf of Telford & Wekin Council .


Firstly, Mr Parry, I think your letter was brilliant and I had to reply! Mostly though to the other chap. How can Mr Griffin compare this year's two day event with last year's one day event? He claims attendance was up 6.5 per cent up compared to last year, so that is 218 more people over two days – of which I believe 186 tickets were sold by one local band with an exceptional following.

I believe if the council were to hold an event like this again, they should take into account that not everyone, especially larger families, can afford to pay £35 to sit in the town park.

The town is populated mainly by council estates where generally, families struggle more to make ends meet.

So shouldn't the council be focusing on helping the estimated 170,300 local people enjoy their summer, and putting on affordable events for them, before bragging about attracting families from as far afield as Scotland and Cornwall.

The best brag would be to say, we sold out of tickets, and generated so much money we can put on a few free events for children next summer.

I believe a co-op of local bands, artists and promoters should work together and put next year's event on which could be easily achieved with 10-15,000 people, showcasing Telford's brilliant, vibrant and eclectic music scene.

And I bet you it wouldn't be such a flop.

Joshua Bennett, Telford

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