Letter: Let the people decide country's fate in EU
Recently we have had Ed Miliband and Ed Balls both say they know how to put the problems of the country and the economy right. Both failed to state that they were members of the inner circle for both the Blair and Brown administrations which caused the current problems.
Nick Clegg is saying, I have the answers and by staying in the EU we will solve them. What he has failed to inform the country is that for many years he was an EU bureaucrat and has been brainwashed into their thinking.
David Cameron has said that he will take control of the UK borders and immigration. The EU commissioner for immigration and border control has said definitely not. So who do you believe?
Clegg is claiming that his party has created the economic recovery when really all he wants to do is give this country totally over to EU control starting with creating regional government which the EU wishes to impose.
The three main political parties are long on promises but short on giving the country back to the people. So who do you believe; the Conservatives who promise EU reform, Labour who created the problems and now say we can solve them or the LibDems?
Who would give control of the country to the EU without consulting the electorate?
R Knight, Newport