Shropshire Star

Letter: Immigration issue on space, not race

I have followed, with some interest, the letters of Maggie Stelmach, Jim Wells and Peter Harrison on the vexed subject of immigration.


It would appear that, in their eyes, all immigration is good for the United Kingdom and immigrants can do no wrong.

How sad it is that they do not understand the philosophy of logical reasoning. If they did they would understand the very important difference between "concern about available resources" and "racism" and their arguments would differentiate between "all" and "some" immigrants.

Most British people are charitable and like to assist those people less fortunate than themselves. However, many of us like to ensure that our own family members are safe and secure before we give our largesse to strangers. When there are insufficient resources to look after our own needs it does not make sense to welcome outsiders with open arms.

The welfare state and uncontrolled immigration are incompatible.

If our own children's education suffers because of overcrowding and language problems in the classroom that is unacceptable to most of us. If our sick relatives cannot receive treatment having paid their taxes all their lives that is seen as unfair. If the young newlyweds in our families are unable to be housed because of an influx of strangers that is also a cause for unhappiness. Seeing our beautiful countryside vanishing under concrete and tarmacadam in an hopeless attempt to house the influx is saddening.

This is concern about resources not racism. We are on a small island with limited resources our concern is about space not race.

We need to control our borders not to stop immigration but to ensure that the influx is at a rate that we can deal with successfully. This is a sensible, logical, responsible thing to do.

Denis Allen, Wellington

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