Shropshire Star

Letter: Attacking home truths about power shows lack of knowledge

I feel I must respond to the sincere but misguided views of Robert Saunders (Writer in the dark).


To berate people like W F Kerswell and others simply for pointing out "inconvenient truths" always results in attacks of this sort.

I should imagine many in the power generation businesses were choking on their dinners when they read his letter.

To say that the current failures of power plants is down to these nasty fossil fuels/nuclear failures beggars belief.

Despite assurances from the National Grid that there was nothing to worry about they are now saying we can expect power reduction and industry operating on reduced capacity.

In order to meet demand power plants will be pushed to breaking point resulting in even more failures.

In the wonder world of like mind-minded people solar, wind turbines and hydro and wave power would provide everything.

Here are a few inconvenient truths.

  1. When it’s dark solar power don’t work.

  2. If the wind don’t blow they don’t go.

  3. Hydro power is wonderful, but try getting planning permission.We wouldn’t want newts affected would we?

  4. If we ever discovered a wonder cure that required mining or processing the green brigade would be objecting.

  5. Where is the backup? Nasty fossil fuels/nuclear. To think they can be switched in an instant, displays a lack of knowledge that is staggering. If the power plant is cold it takes weeks to resume.

  6. You want to save fossil fuels for the future. For who? You would never allow it to be mined.

I remember in the 70s a plant being built to avoid this nonsense, excess capacity of 20 per cent was the norm. There were no power cuts until the miners' strike.

If you want an election issue forget immigration or jobs this will be number one. If we have a cold winter watch the stampede to ditch the green agenda.

In the mean time buy a generator, you're going to need it.

Chris Adams, West Felton

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