Letter: Popularity of the Bible is still strong where freedom reigns
In answer to David Goodall's letter (December 11), I would ask where he gets evidence and his dating clock from to say that an asteroid hit the earth 65 million years ago and caused a gigantic tsunami?
As to evidence for a global flood, sedimentary rock is found all over the earth's surface. By definition that means laid down by water. Fossils are found in many places in these sedimentary deposits.
Darwin himself acknowledged that the greatest argument against his theory of evolution was the fossil record as it has no transitional fossils in it. Your readers might be interested to know that 95 per cent of fossils found so far are of marine creatures which suggests very clearly that they were already underwater, overwhelmed and buried rapidly by sand carried by fast moving waters. Vast numbers of such fossils have living counterparts today, no evolution has occurred!
As to the popularity of the Bible and whether it is read or not, don't just look at the UK for evidence, globally it is still the most read book. Travelodge had withdrawn Bibles from its establishments, but amazingly that decision has been reversed. I wonder why? Could it be that popular demand has brought this reversal about?
Wherever the Bible has been found, read and believed it has improved society. Where it has been silenced or suppressed, freedoms have gone. God's Word will not be silenced, neither by Communist China, nor by Communist Soviet Russia before it, nor by any other collective efforts. It will still be read long after Darwin's theory of origins has been replaced, probably by another fanciful theory.
How sad that Parry Davies never got further in his reading of the Bible than the first four chapters of Genesis.
Had he continued he would have found as early as the fifth chapter that not only did Adam and Eve have sons Cain and Abel but when Adam was 130 years old he had another son whom he called Seth and he and Eve also had sons and daughters, Adam eventually dying when he was 930 years old.
Whom did Cain marry? One of his sisters! Why don't we marry close relatives any more? Because the human race has deteriorated so much since its initial creation, in God's likeness, and its subsequent rebellion against its Creator, that serious illnesses can develop.
David Burton, Whitchurch