Letter: Humans at risk by persecuting wildlife
The surface of our planet is divided up as follows – 33 per cent is desert, 20 per cent are towns, factories, roads and living districts for we humans.
A further 33 per cent is farm land to feed and keep us humans in luxury.
The remaining 14 per cent of inferior land is left for a million different other species to live on. We are even encroaching on to their 14 per cent.
We are not only stealing all of the land and robbing the animals of their food but we are polluting everything we touch.
The Bible says that we have dominion over the animals and other life. This gives us licence to ride roughshod over them.
We have no licence or right to steal land and food from our fellow creatures. We are driving our fellow creatures into extinction. We humans do not have big predators. The only predators we have are virus and bacteria. When all of the animals are extinct, their virus and bacteria will be looking for another food source.
The most plentiful and luscious food source on this planet is human beings. There will be many new and more deadly diseases than we have ever imagined.
By polluting, being selfish, driving the animals extinct and not curtailing our numbers, we humans are committing mass suicide.
Tom Williams, Sutton Hill, Telford