Letter: How can politicians get it wrong time and time again?
When Labour were in power and they made an estimate of immigration into this country, it was so far out that it was unbelievable.
This is typical of all estimates given out by the Government; just look at HS2 and the dramatic increase already. I expect that if it goes through it will be up to three or four times the original estimate.
The Chilcot Report on the Iraq War is yet to be published – if ever – and the investigation into paedophiles in Parliament is in my opinion being deliberately delayed, so that any evidence that might be discovered will have all been destroyed.
Two people who were nominated to investigate this matter have had to withdraw before the investigation has even started.
Are there no real squeaky clean people left in the establishment to do this job?
With the election getting nearer, promises will be made as always, but please take these with a large pinch of salt. And as for a vote on in or out of the EU, pigs might fly.
I am afraid that the old guard still rules in Britain and we are controlled more now by these thought police than we have ever been. Euthanasia is just around the corner and just a short step from not being voluntary, but this will not be in any manifesto.
What we need is a total revolution in the Parliamentary elections. I would suggest that no person can stand for election unless they have worked for at least 15 years in the private sector. This might cut out this nepotism that is now happening,
Ukip may not be perfect by a long chalk, but are they any worse than what we have? I think not. Why are the established parties running so scared of them? After all, they only have two MPs. But they do not want a big upset in the establishment. Do they?
It is not the things that they put in the manifesto that we should be concerned about, it is the things that they leave out.
The Tories pledged to get rid of the quangos, yet they are still rampant with people moving from one to another and receiving golden handshakes every time, as in the NHS. I could go on and on, but think the above will do for now.
K Beddis, Yockleton