Letter: Questions on future of once grand hall
I am saddened Brogyntyn planning application was granted probably as the council's answer to resolve a long standing issue.

This is a beautiful part of Shropshire and residents are now faced with a lengthy time of building, extra traffic and noise until the hall's restoration is complete. There are however unanswered questions:
Plans state at least 50 dwellings and 11 conversions. What if more funds are needed for the hall? Could this possibly increase? Permission would no doubt be easily granted. What happens if they are not immediately sold? Will the renovation be put on hold?
Why is the Grade 2 Gateway Lodge on Mount Road left in its present condition; partially dismantled?
Pickstocks bought the hall and park whilst on the At Risk register, knowing its state and potential renovation costs.
Recent rejected plans for 12 dwellings in Trefonen involved similar factors as Brogyntyn. This development will create a new village eventually becoming an urban extension of Oswestry.
Sixty-one residential units will require amenities, such as water pipes causing damage to natural areas and further disruption. Where is the information regarding street lighting and effects of light pollution in this rural area?
Did the planning committee visit all the proposed development site, travel along the narrow, windy Whitewell Lane that residents will use to commute? Did they stand on the B4580 at the planned new entrance; view the nature of the road, traffic speed?
A road safety audit carried out on one occasion does not truly represent traffic throughout the day or weather conditions. I urge that the B4580 road safety is seriously reviewed.
Victoria Evans, Manchester