Shropshire Star

Letter: Crusades just one atrocity in God's name

I read David Burton's letter of January 21 with great interest. He says that The Crusades had nothing to do with the Bible.


The Crusaders were on a Christian mission to oust the Muslims from Jerusalem. This was slaughter on behalf of Christians.

The Bible has been translated many times and contains many untruths and accumulates more with every translation. David seems to think that this book contains the ultimate truth and is written by the Christian God.

We humans have invented many gods during the last million or so years. The Christian God is only one of them.

The Bible does not mention America, Australia, China or the south and north poles. If God wrote the Bible, he would know about these places and would have included them.

The simple and primitive men who wrote the Bible thought that the whole world clustered around the Mediterranean sea.

David mentions the communist dictator's atrocities. There are many Christian atrocities. The Spanish Christians slaughtered and drove the Protestant Dutch Boers to South Africa. Catholics and Protestants have been slaughtering each other for hundreds of years.

During World War II the Vatican was part of a Fascist state. They knew all about the Holocaust and did not protest or let the allies know. David said that I should put my trust in Jesus Christ and selfishly beg God for mercy. Why should I pray to something that only exists in David's imagination?

Tom Williams, Telford

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