Letter: The BBC falls short when it comes to fair play coverage
The General Election campaign has highlighted the issue of left wing bias at the BBC. The recent leaders debate saw Nigel Farage of Ukip complain about the over representation of socialists in the audience.
David Dimbleby stated that they were chosen carefully by an "independent polling organisation2. It turned out that the methods used by this polling organisation actually produced a biased audience.
To date neither the BBC nor Mr Dimbleby have publicly admitted that Farage was correct.
The overtly hostile questioning of David Cameron by Andrew Marr, when Marr continually spoke over Cameron, and also attributed a 'fox hunting' quote to Cameron which was totally false, is further evidence of bias.
I have yet to hear any BBC interviewer ask Andy Burnham the former Health Minister, now the shadow Health Minister, to explain his part in the awful failings of the NHS (Mid Staffs as one example).
When Evan Davies interviewed Farage he asked frankly infantile questions, the public deserved in-depth questioning of Ukip's plans but the BBC failed to deliver.
The BBC gives a never ending stream of stories linked to the Labour so called cost of living crisis campaign. This bias became overt when they promoted the Trussell Trust's claim that one million people were using food banks. This proved to be incorrect since the figure referred to the number of visits. The apology by the BBC for this was late and in the small print.
The BBC has long form in spinning a left wing line.
It is a criminal offence not to pay your TV licence. The fee is nothing more than a poll tax. The BBC is no longer fit for purpose and fails to really inform. It has received millions from the EU central bank and are thus obliged to the EU to promote 'ever closer union'.
If you want to be free from the TV tax then there is something you can do; 38 degrees have an online petition which aims to end the TV tax. You can sign it https://you.38degrees.org.uk/petitions/end-the-bbc-licence-fee
More than 3,000 are signing each day.
John Stretton, Albrighton