Shropshire Star

Letter: The role of the EU is all about control

Sorting through my 50 years old European Union drawer I found a booklet called The Banned Articles by Gordon Tether, an economic journalist who was hounded out of his position at The Financial Times because of his anti-Common Market views in the 70s.


Even as early as 1974 it was observed that the majority of Britain's press, politicians and the BBC were keenly pro-Common Market and those pro-marketers were, without exception, men of vision, moderate in outlook, sensible and rational while anti-marketers were reported to be a motley assortment of odd bedfellows with irrational nationalistic emotions.

Forty two years on it is hard to find a pro-European unionist who will admit to being one while we Eurosceptics have a new title of "closet racists and loonies".

The electorate has at last found out what the government, politicians and the BBC knew from day one about the EU – it is not about people and certainly not about democracy, it is about control and regulation.

Privatisation is preferred to nationalisation, hence the "not compatible with the EU" label attached to our NHS, railways, gas, electricity and water, our coal mines and Royal Mail.

History has shown that mass, unrestricted immigration always brings down the national cost of labour.

Prepare for the return of the workhouse!

Bob Wydell, Oswestry

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