Shropshire Star

Letter: Corporation knives already out for Nigel

It is plainly obvious that the BBC have begun their referendum campaign with the expected attacks on Nigel Farage.


Let me assure Shropshire Star readers that he has more support in Ukip than any other political party leader in this country receives and membership grows by the hour.

Cameron thinks he made a great move when he scaremongered people into thinking that a vote for any other party than his own would give unstoppable power to the SNP. When people realise that a vote to stay in the EU will finally result in all our laws coming from Brussels the four million Ukip voters, who are currently disenfranchised by our first passed the post electoral system, will grow into a flood.

We have never won a significant vote in the EU and despite what the pro-EU parties say they need us, we don't need them.

If we leave the EU suppliers on the continent will be falling over themselves to sign deals for our trade and pensioners who have retired to Europe will not be asked to leave.

Their financial contributions, especially in countries like Spain, are too valuable to their economies.

The sooner John Whittingdale stops the license fee for the BBC the better.

The political bias constantly displayed by this organisation is disgraceful and people like me are forced to financially support it.

Adrian Williams


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