Shropshire Star

Letter: Job losses at Muller could be just the start

Regarding Muller job losses. Muller made record profits last year, and so far this year profits are above budget, so their reasoning for these 43 job losses are purely speculating on costs rising and are thus pure greed on their behalf.


Many of the people affected have had enough of the current management regime anyway and are looking forward to leaving with a payout, but many of us are very worried about what the future holds.

Even for those of us who are kept on, what does the future hold? This is only stage one by the way, there are more to come.

The restructuring is the brainchild of a management team with previous experience at Dairy Crest and Nestle – two failed/failing dairy businesses which Muller has previously pushed out of the UK yogurt market. They are now using their knowledge and experience from these companies bettered by the old Muller regime, to lay off approximately half of the engineering department, all highly skilled and experienced men.

Oh yes, and the day after they started telling the staff concerned about the redundancies they posted a notice on the intranet welcoming five new HR staff to the business! Cost cutting, eh?

None of us think that Theo Muller has been told about this.

Hopefully a company that thinks it is world class will pay these redundant workers an enhanced payout to compensate them and make up for their callousness.

Pity help the Dairy Crest workers who Muller are hoping to take over next.

Name and address supplied

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