Shropshire Star

Letter: Puzzled by Corbyn's top team selection

Jeremy Corbyn's selection of Kerry McCarthy as part of his shadow cabinet is fascinating for a couple of reasons.


As shadow Environment Secretary, new-speak for Minister of Agriculture, she is a vegan, who recently declared: "Meat is murder, so milk is manslaughter." No, I haven't quite worked that out either, nor her rationale in blaming the farmers for the milk price crisis.

Even more interesting is the fact that Mr Corbyn did not know of her dietary disposition until after the appointment, when it was pointed out that her selection was akin to choosing a pacifist as Secretary for Defence.

I have absolutely nothing against either pacifists or vegetarians, but I would have thought it incumbent on a potential prime minister to learn a little of his candidates' beliefs before elevating them to high rank.

Is he lazy, anti-social or just as out of touch with his colleagues as he is with the 21st century? A chat with Ms McCarthy over a cup of tea (No milk thank you Jeremy, I don't kill animals...") would surely have averted yet another of the banana skin incidents that are becoming daily routine for the new Labour leader.

As a Tory I derive no pleasure from any of this. An effective opposition is a cornerstone of the British way of life, but all Jeremy Corbyn has done is drive the Labour Party towards extinction.

Sam Evans, Oswestry

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