Letter: Immigration putting services in jeopardy
I'd resolved that due to the fact that so many letters that I write are either edited to destruction or simply not published that I would write no more.
However, events dictate that I must fire at least one more shot.
In agreement with many more I have written untold letters on the subject of uncontrolled immigration and the unsustainable pressures that it puts on our services. For my troubles you have allowed some to label people like me racist when nothing is further from the truth.
I have long stated that countries such as ours with a welfare state, freely open to the world, will not have a welfare state very much longer.
Cameron has finally admitted, through his very able Home Secretary, that we can no longer sustain our services without controls so with a health service billions in debt we can now look forward to severe cuts right across the board exactly as myself and others forecast. And all because of uncontrolled borders.
On a personal note my granddaughter was admitted to the Princess Royal Hospital two weeks ago with birth problems and sent home to Dawley with the message that if nothing happened naturally within two weeks she would be taken in and induced.
Overnight she was rushed into hospital with problems again, now five weeks premature, but because PRH was full she has been taken to Wrexham.
How crazy is that when we have one of the best units in the country in our town and I would like to know how may beds at PRH were occupied by immigrant mothers benefiting from our welfare state?
Adrian Williams, Bratton
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