Shropshire Star

Letter: Concern for county healthcare with cuts and winter looming

Hospitals need clear guidance and real help. We are told by those closely involved in the NHS that we are in real trouble and facing worse.


The causes they say are multiple, but as an outsider, I hear of financial problems. We are already deeply in debt, there is pressure of patient numbers, and this is just the end of summer. Winter is to come with increased numbers of pensioners chronically sick, both mentally and physically, and staff already working flat out and beyond to the detriment of their own well being and their family life. Yes, bank staff are available and have to be used at a greater cost than regular staff.

All do their best to support not only their patients, but each other, but they need more help from Government, not a case of "we have put in x number of pounds", they must do better, use the staff facilities where it is needed.

Locally we have the battle between our two main hospitals. Both, quite correctly being presented as being needed, particularly the A&E, children's services and maternity units.

I dare to say it again, we do need both. It is as difficult for people in the east of Shropshire to get to the hospital in Shrewsbury as it is for the people of west Shropshire to get to Telford.

We too have narrow country lanes and little or no bus services, especially from about 6pm for over 12 hours. Shrewsbury and Atcham MP Daniel Kawczynski pointed out that his people could die, so could the people in the east.

What is needed is for Wales to have its own hospital and very, very soon. It would help both of our Shropshire hospitals both financially and with the weight of work.

Personally, I'm so grateful for the NHS, having been born at a time, when payment was normal and M&B tablets(an antibiotic medicine called sulphapyridine) were cheaper than a hospital bed and penicillin injections.

Westminster MPs please get real, see for yourselves, not via an orchestrated visit or two, what is really going on. It will take your free time, but do it please.

B A Flowers


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