Shropshire Star

Letter: MEP ignored Euro laws which hurt us

I was both interested and amused to read in your newspaper on December 2, Anthea McIntyre, Conservative MEP for the West Midlands, praising European Union regulations issued by unelected bureaucrats in Brussels.


There have been thousands of EU regulations that have ruined our small businesses and the quality of life of most British people.

I find it interesting that I have not read Anthea's point of view of the three EU regulations which destroyed our postal system and took away a vital part of our communities – the village post office.

Until the late 1990s we had the best postal service in the world. In 1997 the EU Directive 97/67/EC was issued which had the effect of gradually dismantling our postal system and allowing the Dutch company TNT and the Deutsche Post DHL to cherry pick the profitable areas, leaving non-profitable areas to the Royal Mail.

EU Directive 2002/39/EC took away even more of the post office services and caused the 'death' of many community post offices and a loss of support for the old, the disabled and those without a car.

For the disabled this was a further blow by the EU as Remploy was also being largely destroyed by EU Regulations.

Anthea, it is a little unbalanced to praise the 1 per cent of EU regulations that may benefit us and ignore regulations that are destroying our way of life.

Denis Allen, Wellington

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