Shropshire Star

Letter: Hope MP is successful in call for Commons debate on A&E

So Mr Kawczynski wants a Commons debate on the A&E campaign. A good idea. This could lead to a full scale inquiry.


I hope he succeeds as this will probably lead to earlier decisions than the participants in the current consulting morass will ever make.

In referring to the process he is reported as saying, inter-alia: "We in Shrewsbury are all respecting the fact that it is clinically led and independent, and doctors and clinicians will make the decisions in the interest of all the people in Shropshire and Mid Wales."

This reflects well on the people of Shrewsbury, a mature approach doubtless shared by the entire population of Shropshire and Mid Wales, recognising that we, and hopefully members of the participating groups, committees, boards, etc. are not in a position to evaluate the clinicians' conclusions. If they say it should be X and Y that is how it should be.

The sad fact is that under the current system the clinicians are not in a position to make unilateral decisions, only recommendations, which are then subject to approval by the countless bodies demanding a say.

With respect to Mr Kawczynski he does not seem to be aware that the clinicians critical professional recommendation has already been made. In February 2015 they recommended that the major A&E location should be co-terminus with the newly opened women and children's unit at the PRH. In reality this is nothing more than common sense. The concurrent non-medical benefits being that it would cost £50 million less than at the RSH, save £20 million on women and children's unit relocation and be ready two years earlier.

The clinicians recommendation is crystal clear, but what has happened to it? Who or what has blocked acceptance?

There would be no need for Telford & Wrekin Council to finance a campaign if people like Mr Kawczynski, who accept that the clinicians' recommendations are paramount, even if they do not agree with them, would be more active in making sure that the executives have the authority to do their job and set about implementing them.

Bob Groom, Trench

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